Course Overview

Click on the relevant year group in the table below to find out more information about the course.

Year 7 PSHE
Year 8 PSHE
Year 9 PSHE
Year 10 PSHE
Year 11 PSHE


A study of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) prepares young people to be safe, healthy and ready for life’s opportunities. In a rapidly changing world, it is essential that all young people are given the knowledge and skills to help them navigate some of the experiences, risks and challenges that life may bring.  The curriculum encourages pupils to reflect on their own views and to be tolerant of those held by others.

Ambition for our pupils

When pupils leave Sawston Village College it is our ambition that they leave as positive citizens in our diverse community.  Pupils will understand their place within the communities to which they belong.  This citizenship is underpinned by the fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty.  (See Our Cultural Values.) Pupils will be given the time and space to reflect on their contributions to society and the views they hold.

Pupils will be aware of strategies to maintain good physical and mental health, even when the wider world adds additional pressures.  They will be able to navigate different types of relationships, recognising the signs of an unhealthy or controlling relationship.  They will know how to seek help for themselves or a loved one if this is needed.  It is our ambition that pupils will be able to make informed decisions about their health, relationships, careers and place in the wider world.

The structure of our curriculum 

All pupils study PSHE throughout their 5 years at the College.  Following a review of our curriculum in 2022, PSHE lessons are now delivered as a one-hour lesson each fortnight with the same teacher working with a class throughout the academic year.  Some collapsed days/mornings are also used in order to deliver certain topics and to facilitate work with external agencies. The PSHE curriculum is a spiral model with three key themes being returned to each year:

1) health and wellbeing;

2) relationships and sex education;

3) living in the wider world.

To see how the concepts within these themes progress to ensure that the learning is age-appropriate and relevant, please use the links in the table above to view the programme of study for each year group. Please also see the downloads section below.

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